Monday, November 2, 2020

Craft your calling


You wonder what your Could be calling?

You think about what God through you would like to initiate, shape or change our world?

And you want to know what God's thoughts are about your career choice are?

These are important questions! Well... Craft your calling

... that this is a topic for you and that you have now landed on this homepage!


She would like to give you impulses, food for thought and practical tips on how you can find your calling.



We live in a time in which more and more people don't just want a job to earn money, but are looking for a job in which they can develop their potential and make a contribution to making the world a little better. It's good! After all, a job typically makes up a third of our everyday life. According to the motto of the comic artist Walter Moers: “Life is too precious to be left to chance”, one could say: a job that takes up a lot of my life is too precious to be left to chance. It's not just about earning your bread, it's about finding something that fills you out, makes sense and changes something.



In other words, and from a Christian perspective, we ask ourselves questions like: What is God's calling for me? What does he think about my career choice? What does God want to initiate, shape or change in the world through me? For Christians these are not unimportant questions, because being a Christian is not a religious hobby. As Christians we believe in the great and great history of God with the world and people, and as an individual believer I am called to live in an exemplary manner and to let God's plan for his new world become visible and concrete through my life. Therefore, career choice is not just any minor issue, but also a spiritual matter. And that is why it is good to give God the opportunity to speak into it with an impulse.

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